Comprehensive Exam

eye exam

Comprehensive Eye Examinations

We use state-of-the-art diagnostic technologies combined with over 25 years of experience in eye care to provide the best eye examination available.  A full medical history will be discussed to help target potential problems which may or may not be associated with the eye.  Often, patients present without signs or symptoms of medical conditions and become aware based on findings during their eye exam.  We examine the visual system of the eye (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, as well as, near vision) and the overall eye health. 

A dilated fundus evaluation is initially performed to best view the back of the eye with all its structures including the retina, optic nerve and blood supply. This will help determine the tendency towards eye disease including glaucoma, high blood pressure, diabetes, macular degeneration, and retinal problems to name a few. Optomap Ultra-widefield retinal photography is also used to photograph the back of the eye to best document conditions and to follow for potential changes or progression of disease.  We also use Avanti Widefield OCT with AngioVue OCTA imaging (Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging) to capture image scans with great detail of the layers of the retina(back of the eye), the drainage angle inside the eye (for narrow-angle glaucoma), the thickness of the front surface using Corneal Pachymetry, and a detailed view of the optic nerve and nerve fiber layer which is responsible for how we see.

A complete refraction will be performed to determine the prescription necessary to give the best vision possible at all distances.  We take our time to ensure the best outcome.

A slit lamp examination helps determine the health of the front of the eye
(cornea, conjunctiva, lids among other structures).  The pressure of the eye is measured using applanation tonometry to evaluate the potential risk for glaucoma.

eye exam

We also use automated instrumentation to analyze the spectacle or eye glass prescriptions, the front curvature of the eye or keratometry, and the lens for anomalies including cataracts.  Topography allows us to review the surface of the eye or the cornea using a mapping assessment to help determine whether or not someone may have conditions such as keratoconus (a progressive thinning) and other distortions of the eye.  Newer technologies are used to assess dry eye conditions which can have a major impact in providing a better quality of life. Advanced digital photography of the front surface of the eye allows for not only documenting problems, but provides an educational experience for the patient and their family.

A summary of the exam will be discussed, as well as, the opportunity to ask questions regarding the examination and treatments presented.  If additional testing is necessary or if a consultation is needed for a specialist, the doctors will review and explain the reasons for further evaluation.  Open communication between the doctor, patient and staff is encouraged and striven for each and every encounter.